Joint Industry Project proposed to commercialize novel deepwater, single-trip casing drilling tool for drilling and cementing 36-in. structural casing

New approach replaces jetting to deepen structural casing based on fracture gradient; builds on proven, casing-drilling technology, and creates a more favorable wellbore geometry to more frequently meet well objectives.

HOUSTON, May 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Subsea Drive Corporation, in conjunction with Blade Energy Partners and Frontier Oil Tools, is proposing a Joint Industry Project (JIP), to initiate development and commercialization of a new approach to deepwater casing design.

“We felt the optimal approach for introducing this technology to deepwater operators was a JIP presenting the technology to the key players at a single venue,” said Steve Rosenberg, Subsea Drive chief technology officer. “Over the past decade, we have authored several papers and industry articles receiving positive feedback from deepwater experts. We see the potential to completely replace a traditional process with something far more effective, efficient, and safer.”

This approach eliminates a major deficiency of deepwater well design: shallow setting depth of structural casing, being restrained by jetting technical limitations.

Subsea Drive uses proven casing-drilling technology to replace jetting taking advantage of the rapid increase in the shallow fracture gradient. They are building a 36-in. casing-drive to enable drilling in a full string of 36-in. casing, or a tapered 36 x 28-in. string, to depths based on the fracture gradient, of 1,500 ft or more below the mudline. “This single-trip casing drilling system will eliminate one or two riserless casings, mitigate shallow hazards, push the high-pressure wellhead casing deeper, and enable favorable well geometry for expansion of the drilling operating pressure windows at deeper depths, providing a better opportunity for a successful outcome,” added Jim Wakefield, Subsea Drive VP of engineering and well construction.

A meeting of prospective candidate participants, including E&P operators, drilling contractors, OEM equipment suppliers, service companies, regulatory organizations, and industry societies will be held June 29, 2022 at the Norris Conference Center, at City Centre, Houston, Texas. Contact Subsea Drive for event and registration details.

About Subsea Drive Corporation:
Subsea Drive Corporation was formed in 2021 to commercialize innovative well engineering and drilling technology concepts created by a core team of oil and gas industry experts with many years of broad and deep upstream experience.

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‫مشروع الصناعة المشتركة المقترح لتسويق أدوات الحفر الجديدة ذات المياه العميقة ذات الرحلة الواحدة للحفر والتثبيت بالأسمنت 36 بوصة. غلاف هيكلي 

تحل طريقة جديدة محل النفث لتعميق التغليف البنائي بناءً على تدرج الصدع؛ تبني على تقنية مثبتة لحفر التغليف، وتنشئ شكل هندسي لحفرة بئر أكثر تفضيلاً لتحقيق أهداف البئر بشكل أكثر تكرارًا.

هيوستن، 2 مايو 2022 / PRNewswire / —  شركة Subsea Drive Corporation بالاشتراك مع Blade Energy Partners و Frontier Oil Tools ، تقترح مشروعًا صناعيًا مشتركًا ( (JIP ، لبدء تطوير وتسويق نهج جديد لتصميم غلاف المياه العميقة.

قال ستيف روزنبرغ، رئيس قسم التكنولوجيا تحت سطح البحر: “شعرنا أن النهج الأمثل لتقديم هذه التكنولوجيا إلى مشغلي المياه العميقة كان JIP تقديم التكنولوجيا إلى اللاعبين الرئيسيين في مكان واحد”. “على مدى العقد الماضي، تلقينا العديد  مقالات صناعية وورقية  من التعليقات الإيجابية من خبراء المياه العميقة. ونرى إمكانية الاستعاضة تمامًا عن عملية تقليدية بشيء أكثر فعالية وكفاءة وأمانًا”.

يزيل هذا النهج نقصًا كبيرًا في تصميم بئر المياه العميقة: عمق الإعداد الضحل للتغليف الهيكلي، الذي يتم تقييده بواسطة القيود الفنية النفاثة.

يستخدم محرك تحت سطح البحر تقنية مثبتة لحفر التغليف لاستبدال النفث مع الاستفادة من الزيادة السريعة في تدرج الصدع الضحل. تقوم ببناء محرك تغليف 36 بوصة للمساعدة في الحفر في سلسلة أنابيب كاملة من تغليف 36 بوصة، أو سلسلة أنابيب مستدقة الطرف 36 × 28 بوصة، إلى الأعماق بناءً على تدرج الصدع، الذي يبلغ 1500 قدم أو أكثر تحت خط الطين. وأضاف جيم ويكفيلد، نائب رئيس قسم الهندسة وبناء الآبار تحت سطح البحر: “سيؤدي نظام حفر التغليف أحادي الرحلة هذا إلى القضاء على تغليف واحد أو اثنين من الأغلفة غير المزودة بماسورة صاعدة، وتخفيف المخاطر الضحلة، ودفع تغليف رأس البئر عالي الضغط بشكل أعمق، وتمكين هندسة البئر المواتية لتوسيع نوافذ ضغط تشغيل الحفر على أعماق أعمق، مما يوفر فرصة أفضل لتحقيق نتيجة ناجحة “.

سيعقد اجتماع للمشاركين المرشحين المحتملين، بما في ذلك مشغلي E&P ، ومقاولي الحفر، وموردي معدات OEM ، وشركات الخدمات، والمنظمات التنظيمية، وجمعيات الصناعة في 29 يونيو 2022 في مركز مؤتمرات نوريس، في سيتي سنتر، هيوستن، تكساس. اتصل بـ Subsea Drive للحصول على تفاصيل الحدث والتسجيل.

نبذة عن شركة Subsea Drive Corporation :

تأسست شركة تحت سطح البحر في عام 2021 لتسويق مفاهيم هندسة الآبار المبتكرة وتكنولوجيا الحفر التي أنشأها فريق أساسي من خبراء صناعة النفط والغاز ذوي سنوات عديدة من الخبرة الواسعة والعميقة في المراحل النهائية.

الشعار –  


The leading world futurists and scientists are interested in the development of Africa

JOHANNESBURG, May 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The Transdisciplinary Agora For Future Discussions (TAFFD’s) will gather the leading futurists all over the world during the Gen4IR Global Summit in South Africa. The event will take place at the beautiful Sun City resort in Johannesburg in the middle of August.

The event which is now slated August 16-17 2022 because of the aims to converge scientist, and industrial experts from diverse disciplines.

“We are working with relevant authorities through our crucial government partners to ensure ease of travel to SA. The move of the summit to August will therefore offer the best chance for all participants to attend in person and maximize face-to-face interaction, networking opportunities, and planning productive endeavors for the future.” – commented Brenda Kgomotsego Ramokopelwa, CEO at TAFFD’s.

“The growing interest from the private and public sectors worldwide in our event will require full engagement by speakers and delegates. We will therefore use this time to offer regular context, podcasts, commentaries, Zoom events that will educate, enlighten, and inspire about the prosperous future of Africa that the August summit will help unleash. We apologize for any inconvenience this move might have caused and hope to see you this August in South Africa. We thank you for your interest in the Gen4IR summit and hope you will engage with us as we lead up to our exciting event! –  Ósìnàkáchì Ákùmà Kálù, founder at TAFFD’s.

Africa, with its status as having the youngest population on Earth, is strategically positioned at the forefront of the global race to be the 4IR powerhouse thanks to boundlessly creativity of African youth experienced in using tools, ideas and skills in overcoming of the myriad real-life challenges, and vast resources of the world digital technologies and startups, who are interested in this raising market. Over a million years ago, the making of stone chopping tools and the stone hand axe at Olduvai Gorge of the East African Rift Valley represented the first step in the great human journey of shaping our world and for many millions of years. The stone hand axe from Africa remained the innovative technology, which was needed by and accompanied our ancestors as they spread out of Africa and across the world. Indeed, as our tools evolve so do our ideas, and then as our tools and ideas evolve, so also do we. Our current 21st century world and humankind through a new set of modern tools characterized as exponential technologies, stands again at the verge of another radical evolution – a Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), – and just as with the story of our origins, the future of this technological revolution lies again in the promise of Africa.

Currently, among the speakers of the Gen4IR conference are Ai Karaki, 4iAfrica; David Wood, futurists;  Aubrey De Grey, PhD, Biomedical Gerontologist; Natasha Vita More, PhD;  Jose Louis Codeiro, MIT Engineer, Immortalist; Edward Hudgins, Futurist, Human Achievement Alliance; Dr. Catherine Demetriades, Inventor of Cxai technologies and Actual Intelligence; Dr. Sarita Sharma, Author of Myriad Voices, Days V.; Ugo Chukwu, Futurist; and many more. We deliver you 4 Key mindsets and an understanding of the exponential technologies required for you. Let’s make Africa great again!

For more information, kindly visit or email [email protected].


Egypt’s Min.of Tourism & Antiquities launches promotional campaign targeting Arab market

Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, represented by the General Egyptian Authority for Tourism Promotion, launched a campaign to promote the Egyptian tourist destinations for the summer of 2022 in the Arab market, under the title “Your Vacation Is Here”.

The campaign targets social media platforms of various Arab countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

CEO of the General Egyptian Authority for Tourism Promotion Amr el-Qadi indicated that this campaign targets the Arab market and aims to promote the various Egyptian tourist destinations highlighting its uniqueness and diversity, which in turn contributes to attracting more Arab tourists to the Egyptian tourist destinations.



Source: State Information Service Egypt

EGP 6bn allocated for projects to upgrade efficiency of national gas grid

Petroleum Minister Tareq el Molla has unveiled a number of projects meant to upgrade the efficiency of the national gas grid as production from the Eastern Mediterranean fields continue to take an upturn.


Molla, in statements Monday, put the value of investments in the new ventures at more than six billion pounds.


He cited a project to duplicate the Capital-Dahshour pipeline to extend over 67 kilometers. Another pipeline duplication should connect Sulaymaniyah and Northern Giza along 20 kilometers, the minister added.


Molla also touched upon a 15km duplication project through Sinai and a 135km duplication project between Abu Qorqas and Assiut.


Work is also underway to expand the Western Desert Gas Complex through adding a fourth line that would produce some 600 million cubic feet daily, the minister added.


Molla said all the new ventures are part of his Ministry’s strategy to sustain natural gas supplies to the local market and to meet needs of citizens, particularly in the countryside.


Source: State Information Service Egypt

Income tax law amendments aim to stimulate investment

Finance Minister Mohamed Maait said on Monday amendments to the income tax law, approved by the Cabinet and referred to the House of Representatives, aim to alleviate citizens’ suffering and stimulate investment in light of the crises that have affected the global economy, starting from the repercussions of the coronavirus till the unprecedented challenges posed by the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Maait, in a statement, noted that these amendments include raising the personal tax exemption limit from EGP 9,000 to EGP 15,000, bringing the total tax exemption limit to EGP 30,000 annually.

The amendments to the law included some reforms to revitalize the Egyptian Stock Exchange, as they include simplified accounting features for individual and institutional investors and not be subject to profits achieved during the period of tax suspension to ensure tax fairness as well as giving investors an additional set of tax incentives to support the capital market and increase the demand for trading, the minister pointed out.

These amendments also included the renewal of the law on ending tax disputes until December 31, 2022, in response to the business community, he added.



Source: State Information Service Egypt

Euromoney: Egypt’s financial sector is evolving fast

Egypt’s financial sector, not traditionally distinguished by its speed, is evolving fast backed by the reforms efforts made by the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE), the Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC said on Monday2/5/2022.

In a statement posted on its website, Euromoney said it will hold its 25th annual conference under the title of “The New Egypt: Investing in Sustainability”, set for September 26 in the New Administrative Capital.

The statement said: “Whilst the world slowed down, battling the economic headwinds of lockdowns and restrictions, Egypt went from strength to strength.

Before the pandemic, Egypt’s government initiated a major fiscal spending programme, investing in infrastructure: cities; roads; monorails; bridges; tunnels and more. The results of this investment were plain to see – the IMF forecasted 5.4% growth in 2022 and Egyptians looked set fair to benefit.”

“But, out of a clear blue sky, another huge geopolitical and supply-side storm has hit.” the statement added.

“Egypt has moved fast to manage the impact – it devalued the Egyptian pound and entered urgent talks with the IMF” the statement noted.

Egypt’s fintechs want more from the banks – more support, more partnerships and more funding – and there are clear signs that the industry is starting to deliver. Egypt’s financial sector, not traditionally distinguished by its speed, is evolving fast. It needs to, as the digital transformation of consumer finance in the country is well underway, the Euromoney statement noted.

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of fintech solutions worldwide, but Egypt’s government was already making good headway in its push for a cashless society and the provision of digital financial services before Covid-19 hit, according to the Euromoney statement.

“In its FinTech & Innovation Strategy gave shape and purpose to reform; and an entire chapter of Egypt’s new 2020 banking law focused on payment service providers and technology.” added the statement.



Source: State Information Service Egypt

Sisi participates with children of martyrs in playgrounds during Eidul Fitr celebration

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi was keen to participate with children of martyrs in the playgrounds during Eidul Fitr celebration held early Monday at Al Manara International Conference Center after the Eidul Fitr prayers.

Sisi posed for a photo-op with some of the kids of families of police and army martyrs and distributed sweets to them



Source: State Information Service Egypt