Sisi witnesses inauguration of industrial projects Saturday

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Saturday will witness the inauguration of a number of projects within the national initiative for localizing industry “Ebda”.

The projects’ inauguration will take place at the first international forum and exhibition for industry at Al-Manara International Conference Center in New Cairo.

The forum will be attended by a large number of Egyptian, Arab and foreign investors, as well as representatives of regional and international industrial institutions.

President Sisi will officially initiate the national initiative for localizing industry “Ebda”.

The president will also witness the launch of “Ebda” company for project development, which is the executive arm of the national initiative for localizing industry.

The initiative is aimed at localizing modern industries, increasing the contribution of local industries to GDP and reducing imports, in addition to qualifying workers for the labor market.

Source: State Information Service Egypt