President Sisi: ‘Shoulder-to-Shoulder’ initiative aims to alleviate burden on citizens

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted Friday that “Shoulder-to-Shoulder” initiative is aiming to alleviate the burden on citizens in order to mitigate the effects of the global economic crises that led to substantial inflationary pressures and raised energy and food prices, squeezing real incomes of households around the world.

In a word before the launch of the celebration of the initiative at Cairo International Stadium, President Sisi said the attendees represent all segments of the Egyptian society, including businessmen, the private sector and senior state officials.

“They are making a good job in such hard times,” the president said.

President Sisi added the initiative will contribute to reducing the burden on people by distributing 6 million boxes of food supplies to the most vulnerable groups and families all over the country.

The event celebrates the efforts of 300,000 volunteers helping to provide food to over 20 million people, according to the National Alliance for Civil Development Work (NACDW).

The “Shoulder-to-Shoulder” initiative is the biggest of its kind in Egypt’s history, the NACDW said.

Source: State Information Service Egypt

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