PM checks on strategic staple reserve ahead of Ramadan

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli and Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali el Moselhi reviewed reports on the status of Egypt’s strategic reserve of staple commodities, as well as their availability at supermarket chains and other commercial outlets ahead of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.


During a meeting Sunday to follow up on the supply ministry’s efforts to ensure the availability of staples ahead of the holy month, to start early April, Madbouli also discussed the preparations under way to launch “SuperMarket & Ahlan Ramadan” exhibitions in Greater Cairo and other governorates, to offer basic food items at affordable prices.


This week will see the launch “Ahlan Ramadan” exhibitions in various governorates with the participation of major supermarket chains, government companies, and commercial outlets, the minister said.


Moselhi also reviewed the situation of basic food items, especially wheat, given the economic ramifications of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis.


Egypt has a total of 3.6 million feddans of wheat cultivated area this season, which yield nearly 10 million tons, Moselhi noted.


He added that his ministry is looking to procure over 6 million tonnes of local wheat from local farmers this harvest season through various incentives, highlighting efforts to facilitate farmers’ supply of wheat to state-owned silos and mills nationwide.



Source: State Information Service Egypt