Gov’t to examine proposed scenarios to effectively deal with high inflation

Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli instructed the bodies concerned to examine proposed scenarios, including additional actions, to come up with quick decisions that help in effectively dealing with high inflation.

Madbouli gave the instructions during a meeting of the Cabinet’s coordination council for monetary and fiscal policies on Sunday, in the presence of Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) Hassan Abdullah, the ministers of planning and finance, and a host of senior officials from relevant ministries.

The meeting took up recent economic indicators including high inflation rate, the government’s efforts to keep inflation in check in cooperation with the CBE, how to increase foreign exchange reserves to secure the countries needs of basic commodities and production supplies.

It also discussed how to step up the application of the government’s Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) program, according to Cabinet Spokesman Nader Saad.

Source: State Information Service Egypt