Defense min. meets army officers newly promoted to leading positions

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production Mohamed Zaki met with several officers newly appointed to leading positions in the Armed Forces.

The meeting, which was attended by Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Lieutenant-General Osama Askar along with a host of military top brass, reflects the keenness of the General Command of the Armed Forces to communicate with the military personnel.

Commander of the Second Field Army Major General Mohamed Rabie started his speech by affirming the Armed Forces’ keenness on holding constant meetings with the military personnel to discuss a host of issues which concern the Armed Forces.

The defense minister, for his part, conveyed greetings and congratulations from President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to commanders and officers for assuming their new positions.

He also asked the commanders and officers to continue research and study in military and civilian knowledge that would help them perform their duties in an optimal manner, and adhere to military discipline and principles.

Zaki, meanwhile, held a dialogue with the commanders and officers, in which he listened to their views and inquiries and discussed with them various issues, asking them to constantly hone their scientific knowledge to be fully aware of all the regional and global events and its repercussions on the Egyptian national security.

Source: State Information Service Egypt