TFG Outperforms Competitors to Post Record Performance

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA / ACCESSWIRE / June 10, 2022 / TFG (The Foschini Group) has today announced a ramp up of Capex spending in the coming financial year after posting record turnover of R43.4bn (up 31.6%), gross profit of R21.0bn (up 40.3%) and headline earnings of R3.3bn (up 442%) for its financial year to 31 March 2022, as the Group steps up its pursuit of growth opportunities to a new scale.

TFG will build 10 new manufacturing business units in the coming year, as well as commit more than R600m towards opening in excess of 350 new stores. The investment in increased manufacturing capacity will more than double employment opportunities in the Group’s own factories and strategic non-owned cut-make-trim (CMTs) factories from 5,200 in FY22 to 11,200 by FY26.

The R2.1bn Capex commitment for FY23 continues the Group’s strategic investments to further strengthen its differentiated business model and mitigate disruptions to global supply chains.

Market-share gains across all territories

The Group delivered exceptional market-share gains across all territories over the past financial year as it outpaced retail peers and grew well ahead of the market, achieving 27% growth in mens and ladieswear in South Africa against average growth for the segment of 5.9%, 57.3% vs 12.7% in the UK and 24% for TFG Australia vs the market average of 12.2% growth.

The Group’s record performance was achieved despite a challenging trading environment, continued periods of lockdown, the civil unrest in KwaZulu-Natal and global supply chain disruptions, with retail turnover growth surpassing expectations at R43,4 billion.

Gross margin for the Group increased to 48,5% as strong demand for TFG’s products resulted in a higher proportion of full-price sales and fewer markdowns. This was enabled by a number of factors, including quick response local manufacturing which makes up an increasing proportion of the 72% of locally sourced apparel. The Group has consistently demonstrated the benefits of this quick response manufacturing, particularly through increased stock turns and improved stock newness.

“This strong performance during a period of significant uncertainty is a testament to the resilience of our operating model, management teams and employees,” said TFG CEO Anthony Thunström.

“The Group has continued to invest in its key strategic initiatives, driving both organic and inorganic growth”.

2.4 stores a day

“We have opened 274 new stores in South Africa, completed 96 relocations and enlargements, rebuilt or restored 176 looted stores as well as opened 41 new stores in Australia and 8 new stores in London. That’s 2.4 stores a day over the past year! Additionally, we’re making significant investments in expanding our manufacturing capacity,” said Thunström.

“Inorganic growth is also a continued focus, and our previously announced acquisition of the Tapestry Group, subject to regulatory approval, is another example of our investments in new brands, capabilities and strategic verticalisation.”

The Group achieved double-digit growth in e-commerce turnover across all territories, recording an 18.0% increase in online sales in Africa, 13.8% in the UK and 26.9% in Australia, extending the trend towards online shopping experienced during lockdown as TFG accelerates its transformation into a true omni-channel retailer.

“TFG has made solid progress in our goal to create the most remarkable omni-channel experience for our customers, with the acquisitions of leading app developer Flat Circle and last-mile delivery service Quench, as we pave the way for the upcoming launch of our new integrated omni-channel platform that leverages group scale to bring all TFG brands together, along with third-party vendors,” said Thunström.

“This will create a home for all of our brands and other businesses that want to leverage TFG’s scale, bringing over 200 of the world’s best brands and more than 2,000 new styles a week onto one platform to provide an unrivalled selection across fashion and lifestyle goods.”

22% growth in loyalty base

“Our commitment to putting our customers first is reflected in TFG’s dominance in social media audiences, 22% growth in our loyalty base, continuously improving customer satisfaction scores and 20% decline in call-centre contacts despite increased online turnover.”

“Our investment in TFG Labs is producing a step-change in critical performance areas, with a 19% reduction in cost per order, 50% improvement in last-mile on-time deliveries and 10% drop in average order turnaround times.”

“The superior growth achieved in all our operating territories and solid progress on key strategic objectives leaves TFG very well positioned for further organic and inorganic growth, supported by a strong Group balance sheet,” said Thunström.

“Just as importantly, the Group has delivered remarkable progress in our social performance. In a country facing devastating levels of unemployment, we have added 7 176 jobs and workplace opportunities, shifted R2bn more business to black-owned suppliers, set environmental commitments for cotton, wood and washcare labels and signed up to the Better Cotton Initiative to source cotton sustainably. TFG has also become the only major retailer to achieve a Level 3 B-BBEE score, up from a Level 6 in the previous year.”

“This is a measure of TFG’s ability to create value for our customers, shareholders, employees and communities as we grow the business,” Thunström said.


Issued by: Jacqui O’Connor / [email protected] / 021 938 7510 / 083 4114 385

About TFG

With 29 retail brands carrying everything from fashion, value, jewellery, accessories, sporting apparel and cellular, to homeware and furniture, TFG is one of the leading retail groups in South Africa. Besides South Africa, TFG Africa also has a presence in Botswana, Zambia, Namibia, Lesotho and Eswatini through various retail brands.TFG first entered the UK market through the acquisition of the premium womenswear brand Phase Eight in 2015, followed by the acquisition of Whistles in 2016 and Hobbs in 2017. TFG’s presence in the Australian market was strengthened through its acquisition in July 2017 of Retail Apparel Group Pty Ltd (RAG), a leading Australian menswear apparel retailer. TFG’s vision is: “to create the most remarkable omnichannel experiences for our customers”. TFG has over 4 300 outlets in 26 countries and employs more than 34 800 people, with over 26.4 million customers (RSA).

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‫ تعلن HONOR عن أحدث تقدم في مجال الاستدامة، وتطلق التحدي الشهري الجديد “رؤية الأرض من المرآة” لـ HONOR Magic Moments

تكثف HONOR جهودها البيئية باستخدام التكنولوجيا، من تغليف المنتجات إلى العمليات التجارية

شنجن، الصين، 10 يونيو/حزيران 2022 / PRNewswire / — احتفالاً باليوم العالمي للبيئة، أعلنت شركة HONOR العالمية للتكنولوجيا اليوم عن آخر التحديثات لإنجازاتها البيئية. من التصنيع والتغليف إلى إدارة النفايات، تدمج HONOR الممارسات الخضراء في دورة الحياة الكاملة للمنتجات وعملياتها اليومية لتعزيز التنمية المستدامة بنشاط من أجل مستقبل أكثر خضرة.

لزيادة الوعي بالبيئة والاستدامة، ينطلق تحدي HONOR Magic Moments الشهري الجديد تحت شعار “رؤية الأرض من المرآة” اليوم على إنستغرام و فايسبوك و نادي HONOR الدولي . يهدف التحدي إلى تشجيع المشاركين على تقدير والتقاط المناظر الطبيعية الجميلة في جميع أنحاء العالم. في الوقت نفسه، تم تحديث موقع HONOR الرسمي بصفحة جديدة للبيئة .

قال جورج تشاو، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة HONOR : “في HONOR ، نحن ملتزمون بتقليل التأثير البيئي لمنتجاتنا، حيث مع الاستدامة والاقتصاد الدائري كجزء من فلسفة تصميم منتجاتنا، نسعى جاهدين لتعزيز ملاءمة منتجاتنا للبيئة من خلال تقييم بصماتها الكربونية طوال دورة الحياة الكاملة، وفي نفس الوقت تقليل استهلاك الموارد والطاقة “.

تحسين التعبئة والتغليف مع مراعاة الوعي البيئي

لتقليل استهلاك الموارد، تستخدم HONOR مواد تغليف خفيفة الوزن ومضغوطة وغير ضارة وسهلة لإعادة التدوير وصديقة للبيئة. كما تساعد الشركة في حماية البيئة أيضا من خلال استبدال الحبر والبلاستيك التقليدي القائم على البترول بمواد تغليف متجددة وقابلة للتحلل.

بالتحول من الحبر البترولي إلى حبر الصويا، خفضت HONOR انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بحوالي 80 طنًا منذ عام 2014. بالنسبة لسلسلة HONOR Magic ، فإن علبة الهاتف مصنوعة من قصب السكر بدلاً من البلاستيك، مما يقلل انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بمقدار 32 طنًا لكل مليون وحدة. كما استبدلت شركة HONOR البلاستيك بالورق بالنسبة للغشاء الواقي لأجهزة الشحن وكابلات البيانات، مما أدى إلى خفض انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بمقدار 35 طنًا لكل 10 ملايين وحدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تُستخدم صناديق التغليف المعتمدة من قبل مجلس الإشراف على الغابات لاحتواء المنتجات، بما في ذلك  HONOR Magic للهواتف الذكية و HONOR Watch GS3 ، والتي تساعد في الحفاظ على مساحة غابات تبلغ حوالي 122 هكتارًا سنويًا.

منذ عام 2021، تعمل HONOR على تصميم حل تغليف أبسط وأكثر قوة لأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة. فحاليًا، جميع أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة من HONOR معبأة في صناديق مصنوعة من قطع فردية من الورق المقوى المموج المطوي. كما تم أيضًا التخلص من الصناديق المتوسطة الحجم المستخدمة عادةً في التسليم، مما يساهم في تقليل انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بمقدار 208 أطنان في المجموع. بالنسبة لأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة والأجهزة الإلكترونية الملبوسة، وفرت HONOR ما يقرب من 74 طنًا من الورق، وهو ما يعادل انخفاضًا في انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون بمقدار 77 طنًا، من خلال تحسين هيكل التغليف وتعزيز إدارة المواد المطبوعة.

تلبية المعايير البيئية الصارمة مع الشهادات المعترف بها من قبل الصناعة

علاوة على تلبية المتطلبات الدولية، تحافظ HONOR على مجموعة أكثر صرامة من المعايير البيئية الداخلية للقيام بدور فعال في القضاء على المواد الضارة المحتملة من الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية وغيرها من المنتجات.

بعد اختبار العشرات من صيغ المواد بالشراكة مع العديد من الموردين، استقرت HONOR على استخدام كابلات الطاقة الخالية من الهالوجين لجميع هواتفها الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية، وهو تغيير أدى إلى تقليل المواد الخطرة في منتجات العلامة التجارية بنحو 3379 طنًا منذ إطلاقها حيز التنفيذ في عام 2016. حتى الآن، حصلت 76 من الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية من HONOR على ملصق بيئي من الدرجة الأولى من المركز الصيني لشهادات الجودة ( CQC ).

استكشاف الطاقة النظيفة لعمليات صديقة للبيئة

تهدف HONOR -مع التركيز القوي على حماية البيئة أثناء الإنتاج والعمليات- إلى تقليل بصمتها البيئية من خلال الحفاظ على الطاقة وتقليل الانبعاثات. تعمل HONOR ، أثناء استكشاف استخدام الطاقة النظيفة لخفض انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون في منتزهها الصناعي، على تحسين إدارة المرافق لخفض استهلاك الطاقة في العمليات اليومية من خلال الاحتفاظ بسجلات الطاقة ومراقبة البيانات ذات الصلة وتحليلها.

تشجع HONOR موظفيها على تبني نمط العمل عن بعد من خلال الاستفادة من أدوات الاتصالات مثل مكالمات الصوت والفيديو لتقليل الحاجة إلى رحلات العمل. يُقدر أن هذا التغيير يقلل من انبعاثات الكربون بمقدار 26761 طنًا في السنة، وفقًا لتقرير بحثي شارك في تأليفه مركز التثقيف والاتصال البيئي التابع لوزارة حماية البيئة [1]. داخل مجمع HONOR الذكي للتصنيع الصناعي، تدير شركة HONOR ما قدره 146 طرق مستخدمة للنقل المكوكي، مما يوفر خيارًا أكثر مراعاة للبيئة للموظفين للانتقال إلى العمل وتقليل انبعاثات الكربون بشكل فعال بمقدار 1317 طنًا أخرى [2].

ستواصل HONOR ، باعتماد ممارسات الاستدامة مع شركاء الصناعة، تركيز جهودها البيئية والاجتماعية والحوكمة على المبادرات الخضراء. أثناء تحقيق التنمية المستدامة للشركة، تسعى HONOR جاهدة لبناء عالم ذكي جديد لكل شخص لديه الابتكار والتكنولوجيا.

نُبذة عن HONOR

HONOR هي شركة عالمية رائدة في مجال توفير الأجهزة الذكية. كما أنها تسعى لتصبح علامة تجارية عالمية في مجال التكنولوجيا وتسعى إلى إنشاء عالم ذكي جديد للجميع من خلال منتجاتها وخدماتها القوية.  وهي ملتزمة، مع التركيز الثابت على البحث والتطوير، بتطوير التكنولوجيا التي تمكّن الأشخاص في جميع أنحاء العالم من تجاوز الأمر، ومنحهم الحرية في الإنجاز والقيام بالمزيد. وتقدم HONOR مجموعة من الهواتف الذكية والأجهزة اللوحية وأجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة والأجهزة القابلة للارتداء عالية الجودة لتناسب كل ميزانية، وتمكن مجموعة منتجات HONOR المبتكرة والمتميزة والموثوقة الأشخاص من أن يصبحوا نسخة أفضل لأنفسهم.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة HONOR عبر الإنترنت على  أو مراسلة البريد الإلكتروني [email protected]

[1] عنوان التقرير تقرير بحثي عن اجتماع عبر الإنترنت:  القياس الكمي لخفض انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون.

[2]  بناءً على افتراض أن 50٪ من ركاب الحافلات المكوكية يقودون سياراتهم إلى العمل.

مصدر الصورة –
مصدر الصورة –


Herbal Square to Launch “HerbaromaTrade” — Global B2B Marketplace Exclusively for Herbal and Aromatherapy Products

– Official Launch Set for July 22, 2022; Prelaunch Service to Start on June 11 –

YOKOHAMA, Japan, June 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Herbal Square Ltd., headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, will officially launch “HerbaromaTrade” — online B2B marketplace dedicated to herbal and aromatherapy products — on July 22 (Fri.), 2022. Prior to the official launch, a prelaunch service will start on June 11 (Sat.), allowing those making advanced registrations as paid members to get a three-month free trial.

In light of growing health consciousness since the early 2000s, the number of people interested in herb and aroma and adopting those products in their meals and lifestyles has been on the rise. In addition, the coronavirus pandemic since 2020 has caused a spike in the number of people with long stay-home hours who want to improve the quality of their lives around the world, and the trend is accelerating. Furthermore, the impact of global warming has prompted people around the world to pursue environmentally friendly food, boosting the numbers of vegans and vegetarians and increasing demand for herbs and other plants.

Meanwhile, such market growth is triggering intensified competition for companies selling herbal and aromatherapy products, making it important for them to offer differentiated products to enjoy continued customer support. HerbaromaTrade will contribute to brand differentiation by expanding international business opportunities for suppliers and increasing purchasing options for buyers through the online global B2B marketplace dedicated to herbal and aromatherapy products. By offering this service, HerbaromaTrade aims to globally expand cross-cultural and commercial exchanges of unlimited ways to enjoy herbal and aromatherapy products.

– HerbaromaTrade Introduction Video:

– HerbaromaTrade official website:
Prelaunch date: June 11 (Sat.), 2022
Official launch date: July 22 (Fri.), 2022

– Key Features of HerbaromaTrade

  1. Offer of online global B2B marketplace dedicated to herbal and aromatherapY products
  2. Basic function is available for free of charge. Paid members are eligible for upgraded functions (including showcasing more products and bookmarking favorite products, etc.).
  3. Suppliers can showcase their products to global buyers.
  4. Buyers can post requirements for desired products to global suppliers.

AscendEX Appoints Shane Molidor as New CEO

Singapore, June 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AscendEX, a global cryptocurrency financial platform, announced today that Shane Molidor has been appointed Chief Executive Officer. He succeeds the exchange’s founding partner, George Cao, who will continue to support AscendEX as Chairman.

Shane Molidor joined AscendEX (Formerly BitMax) in May of 2019 as Head of Business Development and was promoted to Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) in December of 2021. Molidor has worked professionally in the cryptocurrency industry since 2015 at top-tier institutions in both the United States and China.

A highly-regarded leader, Molidor brings to the role an intimate understanding of exchange infrastructure, custody solutions, evolving regulations, and marketplace dynamics spanning both Eastern and Western Demographics.

“I am confident to pass AscendEX’s reins to Shane”, Says George Cao, Former Ceo and Co-Founder, “I want to thank my team and community over the past five years for the endearing support you’ve had in me and this company, and for the confidence entrusted to my exceedingly qualified successor.

I will remain involved and continue to support AscendEX’s Board of Directors as Chairman.

Shane Molidor is the right choice to fill this role as he has helped manage and shape this company, holds a deep understanding of the complexities of this market and brings an unmatched commitment to the position. This decision is made with a great deal of trust and optimism for the future of this brand. ”

Molidor began his career in Strategy Consultation at the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) after receiving his Bachelor’s Degree from Princeton University. He then worked at Gemini, a cryptocurrency exchange and custodian, in Business Development, Institutional Sales, and Client Services. Most recently, Molidor was the Global Head of FBG One at FBG Capital, a diversified financial institution dedicated to the cryptocurrency and blockchain sectors.

Following a $50mm Series B fundraise for AscendEX in November of 2021, Molidor shares his excitement regarding the company’s expansion. Since joining AscendEX, Molidor has grown the team from 15 to 65, coaching each employee to be a subject matter expert in their respective field, as well as encouraging a keen understanding of market microstructure and the ever-evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem. Molidor shares his excitement about revamping the platform’s user experience, the addition of new, comprehensive products, and the future state of the company.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to succeed George and lead AscendEX into a new phase of progress and growth,” notes Molidor. “As we continue to build, I am confident in the vision and the road ahead for this company, this team, and AscendEX users.”

AscendEX is making crypto trading easier with innovative new products and an enhanced user experience. Follow our journey at

About AscendEX

AscendEX is a global cryptocurrency financial platform with a comprehensive product suite including spot, margin, and futures trading, wallet services, and staking support for over 200 blockchain projects such as bitcoin, ether, and ripple. Launched in 2018, AscendEX services over 1 million retail and institutional clients globally with a highly liquid trading platform and secure custody solutions.

AscendEX has emerged as a leading platform by ROI on its “initial exchange offerings” by supporting some of the industry’s most innovative projects from the DeFi ecosystem such as Thorchain, xDai Stake, and Serum. AscendEX users receive exclusive access to token airdrops and the ability to purchase tokens at the earliest possible stage.

For more information and updates, please visit:







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Asda Stores Ltd choisit TrueCommerce pour gérer son initiative de transformation commerciale alors qu’elle se sépare de Walmart

COVENTRY, Royaume-Uni, 09 juin 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — TrueCommerce, un fournisseur mondial de premier plan de solutions omnicanal, d’intégration et de connectivité de la chaîne logistique et des partenaires commerciaux, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’Asda utilise désormais la solution d’habilitation des fournisseurs basée sur l’EDI de TrueCommerce pour gérer les communications avec les fournisseurs.

En tant que troisième plus grande chaîne de supermarchés au Royaume-Uni, Asda exploite plus de 600 magasins de détail. La marque propose également ses produits en ligne via, qui dessert 98 % des foyers britanniques. Pour ce faire, Asda s’appuie sur 37 centres de distribution et de traitement des commandes et sur des milliers de fournisseurs.

En février 2021, Asda a été vendue par Walmart à Issa Brothers et TDR Capital. Cette vente a conduit l’entreprise à choisir un nouveau fournisseur EDI qui soutiendrait son avenir en tant qu’entreprise autonome : TrueCommerce.

« TrueCommerce faisait partie d’un processus d’appel d’offres complet et a été sélectionnée sur la base de quatre facteurs clés : sa capacité à comprendre et à répondre aux exigences de capacité d’Asda, sa confiance dans le respect des délais du programme, ses connaissances et son expertise approfondies, ainsi que sa compétitivité commerciale globale », a déclaré Jenny Hopkins, directrice principale chez Asda.

Dans le cadre de cet accord, TrueCommerce mettra en œuvre une plateforme d’habilitation des fournisseurs répondant aux besoins des plus de 2 000 fournisseurs qui composent l’ensemble de la communauté de fournisseurs d’Asda, avec une intégration dans le système SAP ERP de l’entreprise. En tant que partenaire SAP Silver, la solution de TrueCommerce offre le plus haut niveau d’intégration et d’automatisation avec le système SAP.

La solution proposée par TrueCommerce présente des fonctionnalités clés qui permettront à des milliers de fournisseurs Asda, quelle que soit leur taille ou leur maturité technique, de communiquer facilement avec le détaillant. Outre la prise en charge des transactions EDI, la plateforme d’habilitation des fournisseurs comprend également un portail Web-EDI à l’usage des fournisseurs qui ne peuvent pas utiliser l’EDI. La plateforme de TrueCommerce comprend également une gestion entièrement gérée de l’intégration des fournisseurs et de la gestion des communications pour les requêtes des fournisseurs liées à l’EDI.

L’expertise de TrueCommerce sur le marché et son expérience dans la gestion des communications complexes de la chaîne d’approvisionnement pour les entreprises de premier plan permettront une transition en douceur pour Asda et sa communauté de fournisseurs. Elle encouragera des taux d’adoption plus élevés qui, à leur tour, soutiendront les efforts continus de communication des fournisseurs de la société.

Jenny Hopkins a souligné : « En s’associant à TrueCommerce, Asda offrira un programme EDI solide, stable, entièrement fiable et parfaitement géré à nos précieux fournisseurs Asda, qu’ils soient petits ou grands ! »

David Grosvenor, directeur général de TrueCommerce Europe, a commenté : « J’aimerais remercier Jenny et l’équipe d’Asda pour leur coopération dans ce processus. Nos équipes de TrueCommerce sont ravies de commencer à travailler avec Asda et de contribuer à renforcer davantage ses activités dans le paysage de la vente au détail au Royaume-Uni. »

À propos d’Asda Stores Ltd

Fondée dans les années 1960 au Yorkshire, Asda est la troisième plus grande chaîne de supermarchés de Grande-Bretagne. Des collaborateurs dévoués servent des clients de son réseau de magasins et de services en ligne, y compris des « super-centres », des « super-magasins », des supermarchés, des magasins de vie, des stations-service et des dépôts à travers le Royaume-Uni. Asda a été acquise par Issa TDR auprès de Walmart en 2020.

À propos de TrueCommerce

TrueCommerce est le moyen le plus complet de connecter votre entreprise à la chaîne d’approvisionnement, en intégrant tout, de l’EDI à la gestion des stocks, en passant par le traitement des commandes, les vitrines et les marchés numériques. Nous avons révolutionné la visibilité et la collaboration de la chaîne logistique en aidant les entreprises à tirer le meilleur parti de leurs initiatives omni-canales grâce à la connectivité P2P professionnelle, à la gestion des commandes, au réapprovisionnement collaboratif, au traitement intelligent, aux analyses inter-fonctionnelles et à la gestion des informations produit.

Le réseau commercial mondial TrueCommerce peut connecter les entreprises à plus de 160 000 détaillants, distributeurs et fournisseurs de services logistiques. Véritable fournisseur de services gérés, TrueCommerce gère également le processus d’intégration des nouveaux partenaires commerciaux, et assure la gestion courante des modifications de mappage et d’étiquetage spécifiques à chaque partenaire, ainsi que le suivi de la communication. C’est pourquoi des milliers d’entreprises, des startups aux sociétés du classement Fortune 100, dans différents secteurs, nous font confiance.

TrueCommerce : Faites des affaires tous azimuts

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site TrueCommerce.

Contact auprès des médias
Yegor Kuznetsov, TrueCommerce

Al Qurtas Islamic Bank Partners with Diebold Nixdorf to Deploy First DN Series™ ATMs in Iraq

Self-service solution provides the latest technology to deliver new banking services to consumers

BAGHDAD and HUDSON, Ohio, June 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Diebold Nixdorf, a global leader in driving connected commerce for the financial and retail industries, today announced that Al Qurtas Islamic Bank is the first to deploy DN Series™ ATMs in Iraq. The bank’s ATMs will be monitored by Vynamic® View software to detect and prevent downtime, optimize performance and reduce costs for the bank.

Consumer expectations and business needs are changing faster than ever before. DN Series allows Al Qurtas Islamic Bank, one of the fastest growing banks in Iraq, to easily accommodate these needs through its scalable design, consistent software and common components. Layered security features protect against traditional and emerging physical, data and cyber threats, and a 19-inch touch display and check deposit module provide added convenience to consumers.

Sara Ahmad, chief executive officer at Al Qurtas Islamic Bank, said: “We are proud to be the first financial institution in Iraq to deploy the new ATM technology and look forward to providing innovative services to our customers. The new devices are already getting our customers’ attention, and in our next phase, the ATM’s integrated cash recycling capabilities will enable us to optimize cash handling and provide our customers with innovative technology that improves their banking experience.”

Diebold Nixdorf Primary Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Diebold Nixdorf) (PRNewsfoto/Diebold Nixdorf)

Cash recycling is an integral part of the DN Series’ design. The ATMs can securely and accurately accept, validate, store and recirculate cash, which increases efficiency and reduces the frequency for cash-in-transit companies to refill machines.

Habib Hanna, managing director, Middle East, at Diebold Nixdorf said: “We are thrilled that Al Qurtas Islmaic Bank chose to install DN Series as its first ATMs. They can now provide many additional services to achieve customer satisfaction and continue to be a leader in the region.”

The project services and implementation are being provided by Offtec Iraq.

About Al-Qurtas Islamic Bank

Al-Qurtas Islamic Bank for Investment and Finance aspires to be the leader in the Iraqi banking market by providing the best, integrated modern banking services in the easiest way, in record time, with transparency, credibility and high performance to wide segments of society with the aim of contributing to achieving sustainable economic development.

About Diebold Nixdorf

Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated is a world leader in enabling connected commerce. We automate, digitize and transform the way people bank and shop. As a partner to the majority of the world’s top 100 financial institutions and top 25 global retailers, our integrated solutions connect digital and physical channels conveniently, securely and efficiently for millions of consumers each day. The company has a presence in more than 100 countries with approximately 22,000 employees worldwide. Visit for more information.

Twitter: @DieboldNixdorf


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A Asda Stores Ltd seleciona a TrueCommerce para gerenciar sua iniciativa de transformação da empresa durante a separação do Walmart

COVENTRY, Reino Unido, June 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A TrueCommerce, fornecedora líder global de soluções de conectividade, integração e omnicanal de cadeia de suprimentos e parceiros comerciais, anunciou hoje que a Asda passou a usar a solução de habilitação de fornecedores baseada em EDI da TrueCommerce para gerenciar as comunicações com fornecedores.

Como a terceira maior rede de supermercados do Reino Unido, a Asda opera mais de 600 lojas de varejo. A marca também oferece seus produtos online na, que atende 98% das residências no Reino Unido. A Asda é apoiada por 37 centros de distribuição e despacho e milhares de fornecedores.

Em fevereiro de 2021, a Asda foi vendida pelo Walmart aos Irmãos Issa e à TDR Capital. A venda levou a empresa a escolher um novo provedor de EDI para apoiar seu futuro como empresa independente: TrueCommerce.

“A TrueCommerce fez parte de um processo abrangente de RFP e foi selecionada com base em quatro fatores principais: capacidade de entender e atender aos requisitos de capacidade da Asda, confiança em aderir aos cronogramas do programa, profundo conhecimento e experiência, e competitividade comercial em geral”, disse Jenny Hopkins, Diretora Sênior da Asda.

Como parte do acordo, a TrueCommerce implementará uma plataforma de capacitação de fornecedores que atenderá às necessidades dos mais de 2.000 fornecedores que compõem toda a comunidade de fornecedores da Asda, com integração ao sistema SAP ERP da empresa. Como SAP Silver Partner, a solução da TrueCommerce oferece o mais alto nível de integração e automação com o sistema SAP.

A solução oferecida pela TrueCommerce possui recursos importantes que irão viabilizar que milhares de fornecedores da Asda, independentemente do tamanho ou maturidade técnica, se comuniquem facilmente com o varejista. Além de compatível com transações EDI, a plataforma de capacitação de fornecedores também inclui um portal web-EDI para uso por fornecedores não compatíveis com EDI. A plataforma da TrueCommerce também inclui integração totalmente gerencial com fornecedores e gerenciamento de comunicações para consultas de fornecedores relacionadas a EDI.

A experiência da TrueCommerce no mercado e na gestão de comunicações complexas da cadeia de suprimentos para empresas de nível empresarial viabilizarão uma transição perfeita para a Asda e para sua comunidade de fornecedores. Isso resultará em taxas mais altas de adoção que, por sua vez, sustentarão os esforços contínuos de comunicação do fornecedor da empresa.

Jenny destacou que: “Em parceria com a TrueCommerce, a Asda oferecerá um programa de EDI forte, estável, totalmente confiável e gerenciado de forma excelente aos nossos altamente valorizados fornecedores da Asda, não importa o quão grandes ou pequenos eles sejam!”

David Grosvenor, Diretor Administrativo da TrueCommerce Europe, disse: “Gostaria de agradecer à Jenny e à equipe da Asda por sua cooperação neste processo. Nossas equipes da TrueCommerce têm o prazer de começar a trabalhar com a Asda e ajudar a fortalecer ainda mais seus negócios no cenário de varejo do Reino Unido.”

Sobre a Asda Stores Ltd

Fundada na década de 1960 em Yorkshire, a Asda é o terceiro maior supermercado da Grã-Bretanha. Colegas dedicados atendem clientes da rede de lojas e serviços online, incluindo supercentros, superlojas, supermercados, lojas de móveis e decoração, postos de gasolina e depósitos em todo o Reino Unido. A Asda foi adquirida pela Issa TDR do Walmart em 2020.

Sobre a TrueCommerce

A TrueCommerce é a forma mais completa de conexão da sua empresa com toda a cadeia de suprimentos, com total integração, desde EDI, gerenciamento de estoque, até atendimento, fachadas digitais e mercados. Revolucionamos a visibilidade e a colaboração da cadeia de suprimentos, ajudando as organizações a aproveitar ao máximo suas iniciativas omnicanal por meio da conectividade P2P de negócios, gerenciamento de pedidos, reabastecimento colaborativo, atendimento inteligente, análise multifuncional e gerenciamento de informações de produtos.

A TrueCommerce Global Commerce Network viabiliza a conexão das empresas com mais de 160.000 varejistas, distribuidores e provedores de serviços de logística. Como provedora de serviços totalmente gerenciado, também gerenciamos a integração de novos parceiros comerciais, bem como a gestão contínua de mapeamento específico de parceiros, alterações de rotulagem e monitoramento de comunicações. É por isso que milhares de empresas – desde as startups até as da Fortune 100 global de vários setores – dependem de nós.

TrueCommerce: Negócios em todas as direções

Para mais informação, visite TrueCommerce.

Contato com a Mídia
Yegor Kuznetsov, TrueCommerce

Mark Simon Named Vice President Operations & Manufacturing for Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group Pumps Functional Unit

TEMECULA, Calif., June 09, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, is pleased to announce that Mark Simon has been named Vice President, Operations & Manufacturing for the Pumps Functional Unit.

Mark has significant operations and global experience, most recently with Ebara in Reno for the last nine years, providing leadership as the Vice President of Operations/General Manager for the Cryodynamics division. His extensive education and certifications include a BS in Business Management, Greenbelt Lean/Six Sigma Certification, and ISO/QS 9000 certification.

In this role, Mark will lead global operations for the Cryogenic Pumps Business Unit and work to align and adjust the Group’s sites for growth, quality standards, safety, and reporting. He will develop and implement the global manufacturing strategy and operational excellence management system.

“Mark’s impressive background and experience in the industrial machinery and energy industry will be of great benefit to NCEIG Pumps Unit and he will serve as a new member of our Senior Leadership Team,” according to Daryl Lamy, President, Cryogenic Pumps Unit.

Mark will be based in Reno, Nevada, and will travel extensively to the Group’s global and domestic pump locations. With this addition, Nikkiso continues their commitment to be both a global and local presence for their customers.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and

Anna Quigley
[email protected]