
Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection Launches 5th #Bharblaplastic Operation

Rabat - The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, launched the 5th edition of its #Bharblaplastic (plastic-free beaches) operation for the 2024 summer season. This major awareness ca...

Rabat – The Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Hasnaa, launched the 5th edition of its #Bharblaplastic (plastic-free beaches) operation for the 2024 summer season.

This major awareness campaign on the pollution of oceans and environmental education is part of the 25th season of the Clean Beaches Program. This flagship program covers 109 beaches this year, in 27 of which the Blue Flag was flown, as well as 4 leisure ports and one natural lac, as underlined by the Foundation in a press release.

The coastal municipalities in charge of these beaches are supported in their action by the Foundation, the Directorate General of Territorial Communities, companies offering financial and human resources support as well as civil society associations, reports the same source, noting that these partners will mobilize for operation #Bharblaplastic to eliminate and recycle plastic waste on beaches which has become a pressing global issue.

Strongly committed to
the fight against this scourge, the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection joined the United Nations’ Ocean Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), marked by the designation of HRH Princess Lalla Hasnaa as Patron of the Ocean Decade Sciences Alliance, and the inclusion of the #B7arblaplastic initiative as the first challenge of this decade: “understanding and fighting marine pollution,” notes the press release

This edition of the Ocean Decade continues the four challenges that have structured #B7arblaplastic operation for the last three editions: raising awareness on plastic pollution among two million young people, carrying out at least 40,000 environmental awareness campaigns, reducing plastic waste by at least ten tonnes for each beach and recycling all the plastic waste collected.

#B7arblaplastic operations adds on a fifth challenges: the Blue Partners Network (BPN), a sponsorship by economic partners of socio-economic initiatives led by local cooperative, the press
statement adds, noting that this fifth challenge aims to support the blue economy, promote Blue Jobs and encourage the social inclusion of workers whose activities, if carried out properly, help to protect the environment.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse
