‫ تلفزيون الصين المركزي (سي سي تي في+): شي: الصين مستعدة لتعزيز تنمية عالمية أكثر قوة وصحة ومراعاة للبيئة

بكين، 6 يوليو 2022 / PRNewswire/ — قال الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ في رسالة تهنئة إلى منتدى حول التنمية العالمية عقد في بكين يوم الاثنين إن الصين مستعدة للعمل مع الدول في جميع أنحاء العالم لتعزيز تنمية عالمية أكثر قوة وصحة ومراعاة للبيئة.

 وقال شي إن العالم يواجه تغيرات جذرية وجائحة لم يسبق لها مثيل منذ قرن من الزمان، وإن التعافي الاقتصادي العالمي ضعيف وبطيء.

وقال إن الفجوة التنموية بين الشمال والجنوب آخذة في الاتساع، ودخل العالم مرحلة جديدة من الاضطرابات والتغيرات، مضيفًا أن تعزيز التنمية العالمية أصبح موضوعًا رئيسيًا تواجهه البشرية.

 ولذلك، اقترحت الصين مبادرة التنمية العالمية، حسبما قال شي. وقال الرئيس الصيني إن الصين مستعدة لبذل جهود مشتركة مع الدول في جميع أنحاء العالم لاتباع نهج يركز على الناس، والبقاء ملتزمين بتحقيق الفوائد للجميع، وإعطاء الأولوية للتنمية على جدول الأعمال الدولي.

 وشدد على استعداد الصين للعمل مع الدول الأخرى في تعزيز التنمية القائمة على الابتكار والانسجام بين الإنسان والطبيعة، وتسريع تنفيذ خطة الأمم المتحدة للتنمية المستدامة لعام 2030، والسعي لتحقيق تنمية عالمية أكثر قوة وصحة ومراعاة للبيئة.

 وقد طرح الرئيس الصيني مبادرة التنمية العالمية في سبتمبر من العام الماضي في المناقشة العامة للدورة ال 76 للجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة.

 وأطلق على المنتدى اسم “التنمية العالمية: المهمة المشتركة والمساهمات” مركز الفكر ومنتدى وسائل الإعلام، الذي عقده المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الدولة، وشاركت في استضافته الأكاديمية الصينية للعلوم الاجتماعية، ومركز بحوث التنمية التابع لمجلس الدولة، ومجموعة الإعلام الصينية.

  Link:  https://youtu.be/wCor-gxxSn8

الفيديو –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCor-gxxSn8

‫” ب.ر.ف. ساديا” تفتتح مصنعها الجديد في السعودية

  • بحضور  ممثلين من وزارة الاستثمار ووزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية
  • تحتل منطقة الشرق الأوسط مكانة بارزة في استراتيجية وخطط نمو الشركة في الأسواق العالمية

الدمام ، المملكة العربية السعودية6 يوليو / تموز 2022/PRNewswire/ — افتتحت شركة  ب.ر.ف. ساديا البرازيلية، إحدى أكبر الشركات العالمية لتصنيع المواد الغذائية، مصنعها الجديد‘الجودي’ في الدمام بالسعودية، وذلك خلال حفل حضره ماركوس مولينا، رئيس مجلس إدارة الشركة ولوريفال لوز الرئيس التنفيذي في الشركة، وإيغور مارتي المدير التنفيذي الاقليمي لأسواق الحلال، بالإضافة إلى عدد من الممثلين من وزارة الاستثمار ووزارة الصناعة والثروة المعدنية، وأمانة المنطقة الشرقية والبلديات والمجمعات القروية التابعة لها

ويأتي افتتاح مصنع “الجودي” الجديد بعد أن استثمرت الشركة حوالي 18 مليون دولار لاستحواذ وتطوير  هذه الوحدة في يناير 2021 بهدف زيادة القدرة الإنتاجية إلى 1200 طن شهريًا. والجدير بالذكر أن تواجد ” ب.ر.ف. ساديا ” في السوق السعودية يمتد إلى  منتصف السبعينيات حينما كانت ساديا أول شركة تقوم بتقديم منتجات الدجاج المجمد  في الشرق الأوسط، ويعمل حاليًا لديها أكثر من 500 موظف في المملكة.

و في هذه المناسبة، علق المدير الإقليمي للاستشارات والعلاقات الاستثمارية في وزارة الاستثمار المهندس عبدالحميد بن محمد الشعوان قائلاً, “يُعد انضمام  ب.ر.ف. ساديا للأسواق السعودية وتصنيع منتجاتها محليًا خطوة إيجابية، الأمر الذي سيكون له تأثير إيجابي لنمو وتطور قطاع صناعة الدواجن محليًا بما يصب في مصلحة المستهلك السعودي.”

يلعب سوق الحلال دورًا استراتيجيًا في خطط شركة ب.ر.ف ساديا للنمو المستدام. واليوم ، تصدر الشركة منتجاتها التي يتم انتاجها في أسواق الحلال إلى 14 دولة وثمة خطط للوصول إلى المزيد من الأسواق في السنوات القادمة. وفي هذا الإطار، يقول لوريفال لوز الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة, “يعتبر الوقت إيجابيًا جدًا لأسواق الشرق الأوسط، لذا سننجح بفضل فريق العمل المحلي المتمرس بتحقيق أهدافنا وترسيخ التزامنا ال طويل الأجل تجاه المنطقة واستراتيجية الحكومة المحلية”.

وأضاف, “يأتي افتتاح المصنع الجديد بعد دراسة قمنا بها بعناية للتوسع في سوق المملكة العربية السعودية، ويأتي الافتتاح بما يتماشى مع رؤية السعودية 2030 التي تشجع استثمار الشركات الأجنبية في السوق المحلي. ونتطلع اليوم لتزويد سكان ومواطني المملكة بمنتجات  عالية الجودة.”

إلى جانب السعودية، أن الشركة متواجدة في معظم أسواق الحلال وتوظف حاليا أكثر من 7500 موظف ولديها مصانع إخرى مثل مصنع الوافي في دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة ومصانع Banvit  في تركيا.   

لمحة عن  ب.ر.ف. ساديا

ب.ر.ف. ساديا هي واحدة من أكبر شركات المواد الغذائية في العالم ومتواجدة في 117 دولة، توفر الأطعمة ذات الجودة العالية والشهية للناس وحيواناتهم الأليفة في جميع أنحاء العالم، من خلال الإدارة المستدامة لسلسلة معيشية طويلة ومعقدة توفر حياة أفضل للجميع، من الحقل إلى المائدة. تملك الشركة علامات تجارية شهيرة مثل Sadia و Perdigão و Qualy و Perdix و Banvit   وتلتزم في جميع أعمالها بمعايير السلامة والجودة والنزاهة. تبني الشركة استراتيجيتها على رؤية طويلة الأمد وتتطلع إلى توفير قيمة مضافة لأكثر من 100 ألف موظف حول العالم، وأكثر من 300 ألف عميل ونحو 10 آلاف مزارع مندمج في البرازيل وإلى جميع المساهمين والمجتمع.

Locus wins 2022 IFOY Award for Top Autonomous Mobile Robot Solution

Locus’s collaborative AMR lauded for its high degree of innovation and high market relevance to meet the demand for high-productivity, cost-effective robotics automation solutions.

WILMINGTON, Mass., July 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Locus Robotics, the leader in autonomous mobile robots (AMR) for fulfillment warehouses, has won the 2022 IFOY Award for its Autonomous Mobile Robot Solution in the Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV/AMR) category following a comprehensive, three-stage audit held over a 5-day period.

“Locus Robotics is honored to be chosen as a 2022 IFOY Award winner,” said Rick Faulk, CEO of Locus Robotics. “The rigorous IFOY testing and evaluation process and the prestige of the award itself, validates the innovation and completeness of the Locus solution to deliver proven and cost-effective automation solutions for our customers around the world.”

Now in its tenth year, the IFOY awards are considered the industry’s premier award recognizing the year’s best intralogistics products and solutions for their outstanding technical and strategic achievements. A total of 14 products from 12 companies were tested and evaluated during grueling IFOY Test Days, held in March at the Messe Dortmund exhibition center.

“The 10 years of the IFOY Award stand for 10 years of outstanding innovations,” emphasized jury chair Anita Würmser.  “In 2022, the finalists have once again presented top products in the competition that will shape the future of intralogistics in the long term.”

“The IFOY Award represents the best of the world’s most innovative logistics technologies,” said Denis Niezgoda, Vice President, EMEA & APAC of Locus Robotics. “We’re proud to have been selected for this prestigious award and to have competed alongside such an innovative group of nominees.”

All finalists competed in a standardized, in-depth, three–stage audit that began on March 18th in Dortmund, Germany. The IFOY jury was comprised of 26 internationally recognized trade journalists and leading logistics media representing over 21 countries. Judges assessed each finalist across a range of key categories, including innovation value, technology, ergonomics and handling, safety, marketability, design, customer benefits, cost–effectiveness, and sustainability. In addition, for the third year in a row, numerous potential buyers were also on site during the Test Camp Intralogistics.

About Locus Robotics

Locus Robotics’ revolutionary, multi–bot solution incorporates powerful and intelligent autonomous mobile robots that operate collaboratively with human workers to dramatically improve piece–handling productivity 2–3x, with less labor compared to traditional piece handling systems. Locus helps retailers, 3PLs and specialty warehouses efficiently meet – and exceed – the increasingly complex and demanding requirements of fulfillment environments. Easily integrating into existing warehouse infrastructures without disrupting workflows, Locus transforms productivity without transforming the warehouse.

Locus’s European presence is centrally located in Amsterdam to better serve the European region. In 2021 Locus Robotics joined the Inc. 500, ranking number 428. For more information, visit www.locusrobotics.com.

About the IFOY Award

The International Intralogistics and Forklift Truck of the Year (IFOY AWARD) recognizes the year’s best intralogistics products and system solutions. The aim of the organization is to document the performance capability and innovative drive of intralogistics, helping to boost competitiveness and raise the profile of the entire sector in the public arena. The winners of the IFOY AWARD are selected once a year by an independent jury of international trade journalists. The sponsor of the IFOY AWARD is the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Sector Association. IFOY partners are Messe Dortmund and the world´s leading forklift attachment manufacturer Cascade. The IFOY pallet partner is CHEP, the global market leader in pallet pooling. Logistics real estate partner is GARBE. The headquarters of the IFOY organization is in Ismaning, near Munich. The IFOY AWARD is under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

CONTACT: Christina Gorini, [email protected]

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1440363/Locus_Robotics_Logo.jpg

SmartX Recognized as 2022 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice in APAC for HCI Software

BEIJING, July 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SmartX, a modern IT infrastructure innovator, announced that it was recognized as Asia/Pacific Customers’ Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights “Voice of the Customer”: Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software. This is the 2nd year that SmartX has been named an APAC Customers’ Choice in this field.

“Being recognized as a 2022 APAC Customers’ Choice for Hyperconverged Infrastructure Software for us is the reflection of our commitment to delivering world-class products and customer services,” said Yinan Ku, CMO of SmartX. “We will continue to innovate for the purpose of making IT simple for our customers and modernizing the IT infrastructure.”

This recognition is based on feedback and ratings from 80 verified end-user professionals with experience with SmartX products in the 18-month period ending on 28 February 2022. Overall, SmartX rated 4.8 out of 5 stars, with 97% of reviewers saying they would recommend SmartX products.

SmartX has received 123 reviews since the market began to be tracked within the Gartner Peer Insights platform and holds an average score of 4.9 out of 5 as of 5 May 2022.

SmartX customers said:

Stable And Reliable Products & Professional And Efficient Services

1. The product provides production-ready capability in terms of performance and stability. We have used it for almost a year and have not had any problems. This has strengthened our confidence in scaling up its use in our production environment. 2. Because we are using it in a production environment, SmartX’s proactive inspection services have enabled us to keep track of the status and prevent the risk of the hyper-converged cluster and provided guarantee for the stable operation of the production environment. 3. Our system changes usually take place during nighttime when we are not at work. No matter how late it is, SmartX’s service engineers can always give us a timely response and provide solutions to our problems.

– IT manager in banking industry

More customer reviews on SmartX are available here.

About Gartner Peer Insights:

Gartner Peer Insights is a free peer review and ratings platform designed for enterprise software and services decision makers. Reviews go through a strict validation and moderation process in an effort to ensure they are authentic. Now it covers 425 software and services markets, generating 450,000 reviews on more than 18,000 products.

Human Horizons Reveals More of Ultra-futuristic Digital GT HiPhi Z

SHANGHAI, July 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Industry-leading new mobility and intelligent driving technology company, Human Horizons, has recently unveiled more details on the ultra-futuristic digital GT HiPhi Z. Redefining the traditional GT model, the HiPhi Z comes equipped with cutting edge technologies to create an unparalleled next-level driving experience. The vehicle itself looks, feels, and drives like a car from 20 years in the future, providing an insight into the future of human-like technology and transportation.

On the exterior, the HiPhi Z is equipped with the world’s first wrap-around Star-Ring ISD light curtain on a passenger vehicle consisting of 4066 individually LEDs which can interact with passengers, drivers, and the world around it.

“Designed and manufactured exclusively by Human Horizons, the HiPhi Z is a testament to the company’s dedication to technological advancement, sparing no expense in testing the boundaries of creation. Through rigorous testing and development, the HiPhi Z has retained more than 95% of its production intents revealed previously,” said Ding Lei, founder, CEO, and chairman of HiPhi.

On the exterior, the HiPhi Z is equipped with the world’s first wrap-around Star-Ring ISD light curtain on a passenger vehicle consisting of 4066 individually LEDs which can interact with passengers, drivers, and the world around it. The doors feature a smart ISD interactive system and ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless communication technology with 10cm-level positioning, allowing for automatic detection of people, keys, and other vehicles, resulting in a smart adjusted door opening in terms of both speed and angle. The active air grille shutters (AGS) connect with the rear spoiler and wing to automatically adjust vehicle drag and reduce lift for improved overall performance.

Racing to speeds of 100km/h in 3.8 seconds, the HiPhi Z adopts an all-aluminum double wishbone front suspension, five-link rear suspension, air suspension, and Continuous Damping Control (CDC) to continuously adjust the dynamic performance.

Inside the cabin is an ultra-futuristic spaceship-like digital setup featuring a ‘digital soul’ in the form of HiPhi Bot, a cutting-edge AI companion that can automatically adjust every aspect of the driving and passenger experience. From the soft-touch Ultrasuede® Bio Galaxy fabric and flowing ambient panel lights to the 23-speaker Meridian audio system and racing bucket seats, the sensory experience of being inside a HiPhi Z with music playing and lights is completely unique. In addition to harnessing a combination of lighting, touch, sound, and fragrance, to create an immersive and comforting environment, HiPhi Bot is able to interact with passengers. It comes equipped with the world’s only vehicle-grade, 4-degrees of freedom (DOF), 8-direction infinitely adjustable, high-speed motion robotic arm which can move back and forth in place in less than a second and features control accuracy of up to 0.001mm, being able to perform a variety of delicate movements with barely a noise.

Powering the innovative ADAS of the HiPhi Z is the company’s self-developed HiPhi Pilot system, which provides dual-redundancy for the six major systems of computing, perception, communication, braking, steering, and power supply. For added safety, the HiPhi Z leverages an NVIDIA Orin X chip + QNX Neutrino real-time operating system (RTOS) to utilize 34 sensors and LiDAR technology to constantly scan the surrounding environment and perform assisted driving and parking, as well as smart summon using the smartphone app.

Racing to speeds of 100km/h in 3.8 seconds, the HiPhi Z adopts an all-aluminum double wishbone front suspension, five-link rear suspension, air suspension, and Continuous Damping Control (CDC) to continuously adjust the dynamic performance. The car comes with rear-wheel steering and an IVC vehicle dynamic control system that, despite being over 5m long, generates a steering angle of 13.2 degrees, allowing for a turning circle similar to that of a MINI Cooper. The HiPhi Z is equipped with a 120kWh high-performance battery pack using Cell to Pack (CTP) technology and cooling liquids to offer heat diffusion and prevent fires whilst providing up to 705 kilometers of battery life.

The HiPhi Z will be on sale for between USD 89,000-129,000, and in the lead-up to more announcement details, the HiPhi Z will be on display in Shenzhen from July 6, with plans to debut across 11 key major cities in order to give fans a sneak peek of the ultra-futuristic GT. Official rollout dates are scheduled to be announced at the Chengdu Auto Show in August, and interested users can book an opportunity to test drive the car through the HiPhi smartphone application.

HiPhi Logo

About HiPhi

HiPhi is a premium brand created by Human Horizons and enhanced by its users. HiPhi X is an EV with a lightweight hybrid aluminum-steel construction and sustainable vegan leathers and recyclable materials which add to the sustainable nature of Human Horizons’ EV products.

About Human Horizons

Human Horizons is established for R&D in innovative and leading intelligent mobility technologies as well as the industrialization of future-oriented smart vehicles. Furthermore, Human Horizons builds smart transportation technologies and contributes to the development of smart cities, which will redefine human mobility.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1854109/Photo_1_ID_0302a0534b76.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1854112/Photo_2_ID_9f9c3bca672f.jpg

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1213394/HiPhi_Logo.jpg

‫‫تروج BuzzAR، شركة الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) الناشئة في سنغافورة، لمبادرتها “Pop-Up Metaverse” في الحياة الواقعية (IRL) في أسبوع لندن للتكنولوجيا

سنغفورة، 6 يوليوز/تموز 2022 / PRNewswire / — في أقل من أربعة أشهر بعد إغلاق https://www.techinasia.com/buzzar-seed-funding جولة التمويل الأولي ، أطلقت BuzzAR ، وهي شركة الكون الفوقي (الميتافرس) الناشئة في سنغافورة، برنامج “ Pop-Up Metaverse ” الوجه-للصور-الرمزية في الحياة الواقعية ( IRL ) في مركز الملكة إليزابيث الثانية في لندن بإنجلترا، حيث كان المئات من الزائرين حولوا وجوههم إلى صور رمزية في الوقت الفعلي. كانت التجربة، التي تمت خلال أسبوع لندن للتكنولوجيا 2022، جزءًا من حدث “ Minting Good ” الذي نظمه مجلس التنمية الاقتصادية السنغافوري ( EDB ) و SGInnovate وشبكة سنغافورة العالمية ( SGN ) لدعم التكنولوجيا من أجل الخير.

الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة BuzzAR والمؤسس المشارك بيل بيه ، الذي تحدث إلى جانب مؤسسي Brytehall بيتينا فون شليبي وبرنارد توه حول إعادة صياغة تجارب العلامة التجارية في الميتافرس . تتوافق الشركتان الناشئتان بإحكام مع الميتافرس، وكلاهما تم تقديمهما في أسبوع لندن للتكنولوجيا 2022. تنبأ تقرير حديث صادر عن شركة الخدمات المالية الأمريكية Citi أن الميتافرس قد يصل عدد سكانه الرقميين إلى ما يصل إلى خمسة مليارات شخص باقتصاد يصل إلى 13 تريليون دولار (9.9 تريليون جنيه إسترليني) بحلول عام 2030.

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister, Heng Swee Keat, experiences BuzzAR’s IRL Pop-Up Metaverse at Minting Good (Photo credit: SGInnovate)

ترتبط مبادرة الميتافرس المنبثقة الخاصة بالحياة الواقعية ( IRL ) ارتباطًا وثيقًا بإطلاق البنية التحتية للتجارة الافتراضية، Bae ، والتي تعد حاليًا تطبيقًا للهاتف المحمول يمكن الحصول عليه بالحصول على دعوة فقط. Bae ، أول أفاتار افتراضي لـ BuzzAR ، لديها قصتها وهويتها الفريدة. قال بيه: “يرسل باي رسالة واضحة للجميع، وخاصة للنساء، مفادها أننا يمكن أن نكون ما نريد أن نكون. يمكنك أن تكون شجاعا ومبدعا وممتعا”.

وفقًا لمدير التكنولوجيا في BuzzAR والمؤسس المشارك كين ليم ، فإن إحداث تأثير إيجابي على العلامات التجارية يعد جزءًا أساسيًا من مهمة المنظمة. قال: “نحن نعلم أن هذا وقت مليء بالتحديات لكثير من العلامات التجارية للبقاء، لكننا لا نريدها أن تنجو؛ نريدها أن تزدهر. نحن نوفر جميع ابتكاراتنا وتقنياتنا وواجهات برمجة التطبيقات لجميع العلامات التجارية. يمكن لجميع العلامات التجارية المعتمدة الدخول إلى الميتافرس بإعلانات مجانية وإعادة تسويق منتجاتها لجمهور الألعاب العالمي من 191 دولة “.

لمزيد من المعلومات، قم بالتسجيل هنا للإعلانات، والانضمام إلى القائمة البيضاء، وتلقي رموز BuzzAR Bae غير القابلة للاستبدال الافتراضية . يرجى الاتصال بِبيل بيه على [email protected] (مقابلة، يمكن تقديم التعليقات عند الطلب).

رابط الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1853228/image.jpg
رابط الفيديو-   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPsyGxxlwvQ

Huawei GLOBAL AI CHALLENGE Now Underway — Enticing Cash Prizes Up for Grabs

SHENZHEN, China, July 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 2022 Huawei GLOBAL AI CHALLENGE was officially launched recently and opened to online registration, with all full-time students who are formally enrolled at a higher-education institution now eligible to enroll in the competition, and compete for US$210,000 in prize money. The competition is jointly held by the Jiangsu Association of Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), Huawei Consumer Cloud Service Department, and Huawei Nanjing Research Center, and aims to engage with aspiring young developers who share a passion for AI, as well as a commitment to applying AI to more scenarios for a fully connected, intelligent world.

The Huawei GLOBAL AI CHALLENGE is now in its fourth consecutive year since its start in 2019, and had attracted 2,500+ algorithm submissions, from nearly 8,000 teams in 45 countries and regions over its first three years. More than 150 contestants have been awarded. A number of outstanding contestants from the top universities and colleges in China were enrolled by Huawei. The competition marries theory with practice, bringing together young talent to nurture new AI technologies in both a theoretical and practical sense.

Wang Yue, President of Huawei Consumer Cloud Service Application Ecosystem BU, set forth the competition’s lofty ambitions, noting, “The development of AI has ushered in an era of ubiquitous intelligence. We aim to inspire global campus talent to explore new AI frontiers, and solve global problems.”

Advice from internationally renowned experts and Huawei professionals

The competition has been enriched by the contributions of acclaimed international AI experts, who provide contestants with advice and mentorships. This year’s slate of experts includes Zhi-Hua Zhou, Professor and Head of the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Nanjing University and a foreign member of the Academy of Europe; Pascal Van Hentenryck, AAAI Fellow, A. Russell Chandler III Chair, and Professor at the H. Milton Stewart School; and Giuseppe De Giacomo, AAAI Fellow, ACM Fellow, and Full Professor at Sapienza University of Rome. Their expertise will bring an element of industry authority to the competition, and promote industrial and academic achievements, as well as research.

Three contest proposals, addressing real world challenges

Experts assessed potential contest proposals using the following five criteria: technical innovation, practical value, risk assessment, popularity, and difficulty, and ultimately settled on three proposals, encompassing practical application of AI in ad recommendations, mapping, and interactive media services. The first proposal is “knowledge-driven spoken dialogue”; the second proposal is “intelligent quality inspection of lane rendering data”; the last proposal is “CTR prediction through cross-domain data from ads and news feeds”.

Prize money up for grabs

The contest was opened to registration on June 24, and will include preliminary (June 24 to August 24) and elite final (September 3 to mid-September) stages. Following an online competition in the preliminary stage, seven teams will be selected from each proposal to enter the elite final, where a total of 21 teams for the three proposals will compete for cash prizes via an online competition and presentation.

Huawei’s Shining Star Program has set aside a total of US$210,000 as prize money for the contest, which will be distributed to the top seven teams for each of the three proposals. The champion will be awarded US$35,000, the first runner-up US$15,000, and the second runner-up US$10,000. In addition, four teams will earn an honorary mention, which entitles them to US$2,500.

Huawei warmly invites all student developers who are daring enough to challenge themselves, to showcase their best work to the wider world.

Click here to register today!

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1853355/image_5009676_31402883.jpg

K-SWISS Athlete, Cameron Norrie, Beats David Goffin to Advance to the Semi-Finals at Wimbledon

LOS ANGELES, July 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Iconic American heritage Tennis brand, K-SWISS, is thrilled to announce their sponsored athlete, Cameron Norrie, will advance to the Semi Final round at Wimbledon after beating David Goffin in an exciting 5 set match. The #1 ranked British player, who is currently ranked #12 ATP seeks to continue his best run ever at a Grand Slam title.


Norrie has been a K-SWISS athlete since 2020. “Our partnership with Cam began three years ago. We liked this playing style and approach to owning everything he does on court. Last year we could see his improvement and confidence grow with every match, starting 2021 ranked in the seventies and finishing the year at number ten. As we continue to invest in our tennis business globally, re-signing Cam to be our global ambassador was a top priority, we were very excited and proud for Cam to be part of our K-Swiss Team through 2024,” says Dave Grange, International Brand President of K-Swiss.

During the match, Norrie’s footwear of choice continues to be the K-SWISS Ultrashot 3. The new shoe is built for the competitive, aggressive, and powerful tennis player who demands the highest level of performance. The Ultrashot 3 offers maximum energy return with Surge 7.0 midsole technology, 360 Plantar Chassis Support for unlimited lateral movement, and Dragguard 7.0 incorporated into a new durable outsole with superior grip and traction.

Cameron Norrie (Photo by Justin Setterfield/Getty Images)

In addition to the footwear, Norrie is also wearing the newly redesigned K-SWISS apparel, the Heritage S/S shirt and the Supercharge shorts, which are innovatively designed for fit and function. The lightweight materials incorporated with stealth angles and asymmetrical side create an aerodynamic progressive look that redefines the classic tennis outfit.

Today, Norrie looked and played like a champion. The K-SWISS styles similar to what Norrie wore today at Wimbledon are available on K-Swiss.com.


From the beginning, K-Swiss has been driven by an entrepreneurial spirit when two Swiss brothers moved to California to create a footwear brand focused on tennis. As avid skiers, the brothers took inspiration from leather ski boots to create tennis shoes that supported the aggressive side-to-side movement. Introduced In 1966, the K-Swiss Classic was the world’s first all-leather tennis shoe. It quickly gained worldwide acclaim and became a style statement both on and off the court, worn casually in country clubs and just as fashionably on city streets. Now, 57 years later, K-Swiss is building from its heritage as an American tennis brand and writing new chapters in its storied history. Paying homage to the hard work of our founders and the competitive nature of the game that inspired it all, K-Swiss is dedicated to outfitting and inspiring the next generation of tennis players.

Media Contacts:
[email protected]

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1854053/ks_heritage_horizontal_full_34_Logo.jpg

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1854054/GettyImages_1406958010.jpg