‫نتائج مؤشر هينلي لجوازات السفر تتبع الموجات الجيوسياسية الصادمة مع إسدال “الستار الحديدي” الجديد

لندن، 5 أبريل 2022 /PRNewswire/ — كان التأثير على حرية السفر والتنقل بعد ستة أسابيع من الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا، أكثر مأساوية حتى مما توقعه المعلقون الأكثر تشاؤما في بداية الحرب. بينت أحدث نتائج مؤشر هينلي لجوازات السفر  — أن الترتيب الأصلي لجميع جوازات السفر في العالم وفقا لعدد الوجهات التي يمكن لحامليها التوجه إليها دون الحاجة لتأشيرة مسبقة — يوضح تأثير الحرب العميق وربما الذي لا رجعة فيه على حرية الحركة داخل المنطقة مع إسدال “ستار حديدي” جديد.

تسبب الغزو في أسوأ أزمة لاجئين في أوروبا منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية، حيث فر أكثر من 4 ملايين أوكراني إلى البلدان المجاورة. أغلق كل من الاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة وكندا ودول غربية أخرى مجالها الجوي أمام روسيا، وفرضوا حظر سفر صارم على المواطنين الروس، كما أوقفوا في كثير من الحالات معالجة طلبات التأشيرة تماما، مما أدى فعليا إلى إدانة جواز السفر الروسي بوضعه في خانة غير المرغوب فيه في معظم أنحاء العالم المتطور.

في تناقض صارخ، وافق الاتحاد الأوروبي على خطة طوارئ تسمح للأوكرانيين بالعيش والعمل في أي من الدول الأعضاء البالغ عددها 27 دولة لمدة تصل إلى ثلاث سنوات، بينما عدلت الدول الغربية الأخرى سياسات التأشيرات لصالح حاملي جوازات السفر الأوكرانية أو تنازلت عن متطلبات التأشيرة تماما. وفقا لأحدث مؤشر هينلي لجوازات السفر، والتي تستند إلى بيانات اتحاد النقل الجوي الدولي الحصرية (IATA)، يمكن للأوكرانيين السفر إلى 143 دولة بتأشيرة/بتأشيرة عند الوصول، وهو رقم قياسي للبلاد التي تحتل الآن المرتبة 34 على المؤشر (بعد أن تقدمت بِـ 26 مركزًا عن سنة 2012) ، بينما ظلت روسيا متأخرة في المركز 49، مع إمكانية السفر إلى117 دولة – وهي فجوة من المرجح أن تتسع في الأشهر المقبلة.

 وفي مركز آخر على التصنيف، ما زالت اليابان وسنغافورة تتشاركان في المركز الأول، حيث يستطيع حاملو جوازاتهما للسفر التوجه إلى 192 وجهة حول العالم بدون الحصول على تأشيرة، بدون أخذ قيود كوفيد المؤقتة في الاعتبار. تتشارك ألمانيا وكوريا الجنوبية في المركز الثاني، مع إمكانية السفر إلى 190 دولة بتأشيرة/بتأشيرة عند الوصول، بينما تتشارك فنلندا وإيطاليا ولوكسمبورغ وإسبانيا في المركز الثالث، حيث يمكن لحاملي جوازات السفر الخاصة بهم الوصول إلى 189 وجهة حول العالم دون الحاجة إلى الحصول على تأشيرة مقدما. تحتل المملكة المتحدة، التي أسقطت مؤخرًا جميع القيود المتعلقة بكوفيد، المركز الخامس الآن، مع إمكانية السفر إلى 187وجهة، تتبعها الولايات المتحدة في المركز السادس، مع إمكانية السفر إلى 186 دولة. لا تزال أفغانستان في أسفل المؤشر حيث لا يستطيع مواطنوها الوصول إلا إلى 26 وجهة بدون تأشيرة.

يقول الدكتور كريستيان إتش كايلين ، رئيس شركة هانلي وشركائه Henley & Partners، أن التحديث الأخير يوفر لقطة فريدة لعالم متقلب وسريع التغير. “نظرا لانخفاض قيمة جواز السفر الروسي بسرعة وفتح العالم أبوابه للأوكرانيين، فقد أصبح من الواضح تماما أن جواز السفر الذي تحمله يحدد مصيرك ويؤثر بشكل كبير على الفرص المتاحة لك. في حين أنه من المستحيل التنبؤ بما سيبدو عليه العالم في ظل حرب باردة جديدة، حيث يشير أحدث مؤشر إلى أن الانقسام بين روسيا ومعظم العالم الغربي سيزداد”.

يقول الدكتور باراج خانا Parag Khanna، المؤلف الأكثر رواجا ومؤسس FutureMap، في تعليقه على تقرير Henley Global Mobility لسنة 2022، الذي صدر اليوم بالموازاة مع أحدث  مؤشر هينلي لجوازات السفر، سنكون في حاجة لحلول إبداعية لأن الهجرة الجماعية أصبحت شيء عادي “عندما نواجه الحرب أو الاضطرابات المناخية، تبدأ غريزتنا في المقاومة أو الهروب وتكون الاستجابة المعقولة هي التحرك بحثا عن ظروف أكثر ملاءمة.  لقد أصبحنا من النوع المهاجر مرة أخرى. تهدد الاضطرابات المناخية في العقود القادمة، بجعل بعض مناطق كوكبنا غير صالحة للسكن، وسيحتاج ملايين، إن لم نقل المليارات، من الناس إلى إيجاد منازل جديدة “.

وفقا لبحث حصري أجرته شركة هانلي وشركائه Henley & Partnersوشركة Deep Knowledge Analyticshttps://www.dka.global/حول العلاقة بين قوة جواز السفر، وقابلية التأثر بتغير المناخ والتأهب له، حيث أن الدول الغنية والمتقدمة التي تتمكن من ولوج عدة دول بدون تأشيرة تحصل أيضا على درجات عالية عندما يتعلق الأمر باستعدادها للتكيف مع أزمة المناخ. يقول تشارلز فيليبس Charles Phillips من مجموعة أكسفورد للأعمال Oxford Business Group: “يمكننا أن نرى ارتباطات وثيقة بين أداء التكيف مع المناخ وحرية السفر الدولية. هذا ما يجسد حقيقة أن جنسيتك وجواز سفرك مهمان حقا عندما يتعلق الأمر بالتخفيف من المخاطر المناخية”.

يقول سيباستيان ميكوسز Sebastian Mikosz ، نائب رئيس شؤون البيئة والاستدامة في اتحاد النقل الجوي الدولي (IATA)، إن التوقعات تشير إلى طلب 10 مليارات رحلة ركاب بحلول سنة 2050 (بزيادة قدرها 4 مليارات رحلة من قبل الوباء). “سيأتي جزء كبير من هذا النمو من الركاب الذين لم تتح لهم الفرصة مطلقا للسفر جوا من قبل: في آسيا وإفريقيا وأمريكا اللاتينية. نحن مدينون لهذا الجيل القادم من المسافرين جوا لإيجاد حلول مستدامة، حتى يتمكنوا من الاستمتاع بالسفر الجوي والاستفادة منه كما فعلنا حتى الآن “.

اقرأ البيان الصحفي كاملا

Nikkiso’s Heavy Duty SLS Pump Provides Mission Operations for the Space Industry

TEMECULA, Calif., April 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Group), a part of Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan), is proud to supply one of the largest-known launch support system in the world. For over four decades, they have been providing uninterrupted operating systems (24/7) for the space and launch industry.

These units must supply a continuous operation to fulfill mission tasks. Reliability is critical for a heavy-duty rocket launch, and the pumps need to operate non-stop during the launch. The Group is consistently chosen for its launch support systems due to their 70 years’ experience, level of service and ability to provide local support.

Designed, engineered and manufactured by the Group’s Cryogenic Pumps Unit (Nikkiso ACD) the HD SLS is a robust, highly reliable addition to their reciprocating high pressure/ high flow line of pumps. These pumps and their corresponding systems are specifically designed for the rigorous requirements of this application, including wide turn-down ratios, minimum cool-down time and maximized mean time between overhaul (MTBO).

“We are very proud to play a part in the growing space industry, and to be able to provide the performance and reliability required in such important missions,” according to Daryl Lamy, President & CEO of Nikkiso ACD / Nikkiso Cryo.

Nikkiso ACD has over 70 years of experience with high pressure pumping applications, and thousands in operation during that time.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment and small-scale process plants for the liquefied natural gas (LNG), well services and industrial gas industries. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit www.nikkisoCEIG.com and www.nikkiso.com.

Anna Quigley
[email protected]

Intelligent Manufacturing at Canton Fair 2022: Smart Chinese Lamps Light Up the World

GUANGZHOU, China, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — This April, merchants in Guzhen Town, Zhongshan City, will be hustling hard during the 131st Canton Fair. The town is famous for occupying a 70% market share of the domestic lighting industry and sells to more than 130 countries and regions, making it a vital participant of the Lighting Equipment section of the Canton Fair.

As a window of China’s foreign trade, the Canton Fair has witnessed firsthand the transformation of Guzhen Town, where farming was replaced by decorative lighting manufacturing, simple table lamps by high-end products sold at home and abroad. It also has attested to the transformation of China’s lighting industry from traditional manufacturing to a smart one. According to the China Association of Lighting Industry, the Chinese lighting industry showed strong resilience and potential in 2021 despite COVID-19. The export of lamps in 2021 amounted to US$65.47 billion, an increase of 24.5% year-on-year and of 44.09% over that in 2019, indicating a two-year average growth of 12.95%. The rising share of intelligent, integrated, networked lighting products boosted exports to hit a new high.

With overseas demand for diversified products, the innovation of China’s lighting industry is accelerating with improved service. New products showcased at the Canton Fair include the space station series, APP remote controlled solar lawn lights, alternative energy-saving lamps for high-powered products, smart lighting without main light, and solar spotlights. The Fair also brings plant lighting, UV lighting, immersive lighting, and cultural tourism lighting into people’s horizons. Considering various situations, the supplier offers user-friendly and all-in-one solutions through automated control and smart home connectivity.

The success of the winter games in Beijing refreshed the world’s memory, with hashtags such as #300millionWinterSportsParticipants and #Countdownfrom24SolarTerms trending on social media. Various market-sensitive manufacturers put traditional Chinese cultural elements into their designs, creating high-end ‘Chinese retro’ lighting that is of interest to overseas buyers.

Smart Manufacturing in China aims to illuminate every corner of the world with its intelligence. According to Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs Office of Canton Fair, well-known Chinese lighting brands have registered for the 131st Canton Fair and will release their new smart lighting products online. Exhibitors also said they expected to secure more overseas orders via the Canton Fair.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email for more opportunities.

Intelligent Manufacturing at Canton Fair 2022: Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Transforms from Follower to Leader in the Smart Era

GUANGZHOU, China, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, news from its official website heralds the opening of 131st Canton Fair.

One can analyze the heatmap and see that Consumer Electronics and Information Products is perennially the most-visited area of the Fair. To mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on China’s foreign trade and the world economy, the Canton Fair has paused the on-site business and innovated an online trading platform, starting from the 127th session, which has led to an upsurge of consumer electronics exports.

China is the world’s leading manufacturer and exporter of electronics and information products, holding a foremost position in enterprise quantity, employment scale and business revenue. Yet, long has China been subdued to the assembly role, where foreign multinationals dominate the industrial and value chain and foreign trade. Worse still, consumer electronics always face fierce market competition due to rising homogeneity and industry concentration.

Since the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, Chinese brands have tapped into independent innovation to turn the situation around. According to a survey, the median R&D investment of Chinese consumer electronics and electrical companies was RMB102 million in 2021, indicating that half of them have invested over RMB100 million in R&D. China also has the most patent applications in the consumer electronics and electrical industry.

The Internet of Things (IoT) steals over the consumer market, making smart consumer electronics and IoT products the “new blood” of China’s consumer electronics and electrical industry. You can find cross-industry creation of intelligent living scenarios in living rooms, balconies, kitchens, and bathrooms, meaning a richer experience and increased interactivity for global users. According to Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs Office of Canton Fair, the number of intelligent and personalized consumer electronics at the Canton Fair is increasing year by year. China’s consumer electronics brands now have to win the global competition through technological innovation instead of price efficiency, as has been the case during the past decades.

China is also a huge consumer market for consumer electronics and information products. China contributes more than 50% of the world’s production of complete appliances such as phones, computers, and LCD TVs, and key components such as LCDs and integrated circuits. Chinese entities, backed by a huge home market, are enhancing their presence in the international market through technological innovation and more energy-efficient and eco-friendly products.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email for more opportunities.

Intelligent Manufacturing at Canton Fair 2022: Innovation Empowers Small Hardware and Tools to Become a Big Industry

GUANGZHOU, China, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Guangzhou is expecting the 131st Canton Fair. At present, many hardware manufacturers are preparing for the world-renowned trade event.

Each session of Canton Fair welcomes many top hardware sellers including Tianjin Minmetals, Shanghai Minmetals, and Chaozhou Three-Circle , who, as regular exhibitors, went global quite early via the Fair. Their small items such as tools, locks, faucets, lighters, zippers, and razors are not eye-catching but essential for the international market. The ubiquitous locks sold around the world are as popular as the globe’s most well-known brands, reflecting the momentum of the ” Hardware & Tools ” category at the Canton Fair in accessing the massive international market.

Regular buyers still recall that there were only around 40 categories of Chinese hardware products at the beginning of the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, far less than today’s 10,000 categories. China’s hardware and tools industry has experienced tough decades: starting from scratch, it has transformed production from underdeveloped manual workshops to intelligent ones, transitioning from isolated development to innovation and opening up.

Structural imbalance in production leads to an oversupply of cheap hardware accessories. Fierce competition and changes in consumer perceptions make the extensive production model unsustainable. As the market demands finer products, leading Chinese hardware manufacturers, benefiting from new digital infrastructure such as 5G, are tapping into productivity gains with digitalization. Local governments also encourage SMEs to invest in R&D and make branding and differentiation permanent solutions.

According to the official Canton Fair official website, more than 129,600 hardware and tools have been uploaded as of now. “With higher enterprise innovation awareness and capabilities, light, thin, short, and small products are beginning to trend,” said Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the  Canton Fair. For example, there are hand tools of bold, creative, and ergonomic design, made of exquisite materials, possessing aesthetic and functional values. When it comes to production, advanced processes such as digital control, one-time clamping, and multi-station integrated machine completion offer great progress in accuracy. Products such as pneumatic tools and gardening tools have gradually outperformed well-known European and American brands.

China is the world’s giant hardware producer, processor, and exporter. Driven by innovation, characteristic industry bases have been established in coastal provinces including Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Shandong. With the further tapping of industrial clusters, China is becoming the global center for intelligent  hardware manufacturing.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

Intelligent Manufacturing at Canton Fair 2022: New Energy Vehicles in the Spotlight of China’s Innovation as Penetration Hits Record Highs

GUANGZHOU, China, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The 131st Canton Fair is around the corner. According to China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC), the New Product Launch at Canton Fair will be unveiled this session. New products, technologies, brands, services will be selected and showcased in the event. As the electric era heats up, much of the attention goes to New Energy Vehicle (NEV) innovations.

Though frustrated by COVID-19 and plummeting subsidies, the NEV market in China has shown strong momentum as both production and selling surpassed 3.5 million in 2021, topping the world for 7 consecutive years. The penetration rate of NEV sales in China is also increasing, which will reach 22% in 2022, predicted by China Passenger Cars Association (CPCA).

Overseas buyers have expressed their amazement that China’s auto industry has become as good as some centuries-old established markets in just a few decades. The core components of NEV, such as power batteries, drive motors, and electronic control systems, are all emerging products. The concerted efforts of the Chinese government and companies have given themselves a pole position on NEV market competition.

The rapid growth of China’s NEV industry is clear in the scale and focus of the displays. At the 130th Canton Fair, nearly 20 NEV exhibitors brought 186 products, including cars, trucks, sightseeing vehicles, buses, vans, and accessories & components of NEVs. The exhibition section was under the spotlight with new technologies capturing much attention. Premier Li Keqiang inspected the exhibition halls and remarked that China is the largest market for traditional vehicles and NEVs. He encouraged companies to seize opportunities, rise to market competition, follow business rules, and invest more in R&D, thus leading an innovative and sustainable NEV industry.

For consumers, NEVs bring a new mode of transportation. China is a leader in NEVs with advantages in battery charging/switching stations, 5G communications, and mega markets. These merits will facilitate national NEV industrial advancement. According to Alan Liu, Deputy Director General of Foreign Affairs Office of Canton Fair, As “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries are investing in infrastructure, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is boosting export volumes, it’s a perfect time to overtake the competitors. At the 131st Canton Fair, we will encourage NEV exhibitors to self-innovate and deliver a more enjoyable, convenient, and smart driving experience to customers at home and abroad.

Visit https://www.cantonfair.org.cn/en-US/register/index#/foreign-email  for more opportunities.

IEAD and Envision ink LOI to build the largest wind farm in ASEAN

SHANGHAI, April 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Envision Group (Envision) announces that it has signed a Letter of intent (LOI) with Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD) for the supply of wind turbines to the iconic 600MW Monsoon Wind Project in Lao PDR. The wind farm will commence construction this year and is expected to achieve commercial operation in 2025. Once completed, it will be the largest wind farm in ASEAN as well as region’s first cross-border wind energy project.


The wind farm will be located in the Sekong and Attapeu provinces in Southern Lao PDR. Envision plans to supply 133 units of EN-171 wind turbines with a power rating of 4.51 MW. The Monsoon Wind Project will generate over 1,700 GWh of green energy each year. The project’s electricity generation will be delivered from Lao PDR to Central Vietnam through the project’s dedicated 500 kV transmission line.

Mr. Nat Hutanuwatr, Managing Director of IEAD, commented “As we are making excellent progress in developing the first and largest cross-border wind farm in South East Asia with a very competitive tariff, we are delighted to welcome Envision to join our exciting journey to deliver zero carbon electricity. Envision’s state-of-the-art technology for the proposed wind turbine solution and its successful execution track record will be key enablers for the project to achieve its objectives reliably and economically.”

The Monsoon Project has attracted global attention since its initial stages. IEAD’s affiliate, Impact Electrons Siam Company Limited (IES), started developing the wind farm in 2011 and IEAD signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement with Vietnam Electricity (EVN) in July 2021.

Envision is also collaborating with IES on IES’ development of the Xekong Wind Project, a further 1,000 MW wind farm on a site adjacent to the Monsoon Project. IES recently announced that it had obtained exclusive rights from the Government of Lao PDR to conduct a feasibility study and preliminary Environment Impact Assessment for the Xekong Wind Project.

About Impact Energy Asia Development Limited
Impact Energy Asia Development Limited (IEAD) is developing the Monsoon Wind Project and is 55% owned by Impact Wind Investment Limited and 45% by BCPG Public Company Limited, a leading renewable energy company in Thailand and Asia-Pacific.

About Impact Electrons Siam Limited
Impact Electrons Siam Limited (IES), is a pioneering renewable energy development firm headquartered in Thailand with over 1,900 MW of wind and solar energy projects in development and operation in Thailand, Japan, Lao PDR and Vietnam. IES is a privately owned company established in 2011. IES develops clean, affordable and reliable renewable energy solutions and is a pioneer of visionary innovation in the renewable energy sector with a vision to build a better future for communities across the region.

IES is leading the development of the Monsoon and Xekong wind farms in Southern Lao PDR, which will have an aggregate capacity of 1,600 MW. IES recently announced that the Monsoon Wind Power Project had signed a Power Purchase Agreement with Vietnam Electricity, with the project on schedule to achieve financial close during 2022.

For more information, please visit http://www.impactelectrons.com/

About Envision Group
Envision Group is a world-leading green technology company and net zero technology partner. With the mission of “solving the challenges for the sustainable future of humankind”. Envision designs, sells, and operates smart wind turbines and smart storage system through Envision Energy; AIoT-powered batteries through Envision AESC; and the world’s largest AIoT operating system through Envision Digital. It also owns Envision Racing Formula E team. Envision continues to promote wind and solar power as the “new coal”, batteries and hydrogen fuel as the “new oil”, the AIoT network as the “new grid”, the net-zero industrial parks to the “new infrastructure”, and to promote the construction and cultivation of green “new industry”.

Envision Group was ranked among the Top 10 of the 2019 ‘World’s 50 Smartest Companies’ by the MIT Technology Review. In October 2021, Envision was ranked second in the world on the Fortune “Change the World” list. Envision Group joined the global ‘RE100’ initiative and became the first company in mainland China committed to 100% renewable electricity by 2025.On April 22, 2021, Envision Group announced it will achieve carbon neutral in operations by 2022 and achieve carbon neutral throughout its value chain by 2028.

For more information, please visit www.envision-group.com

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/747745/Envision_Logo.jpg

‫1500 قسيس يجتمعون من أجل المؤتمر الصحفي لكنيسة شينشيونجي

نيويورك, 5 أبريل 2022/PRNewswire/ — استضافت كنيسة يسوع، شينشيونجي، معبد خيمة الاجتماع مؤتمرا صحفيا في 2 أبريل عبر Zoom. وبشكل إجمالي، شارك 1500 قسيس من بلدان مختلفة. وحضر الاجتماع أيضًا مراسلون من مختلف وسائط الإعلام.

Shincheonji Church Chairman Lee speaking to pastors and reporters during the April 2nd press conference

واستضافت كنيسة شينشيونجي هذا الحدث لعرض نتائج حلقاتها الدراسية التي عقدت مؤخرا على الإنترنت. شارك القساوسة الذين وقعوا مذكرات تفاهم مع شينشيونجي شهاداتهم.

قال دونغسو كيم، راعي كنيسة السلام: “في الماضي، كان كل ما بشرت به هو أن الجميع يجب أن يؤمنوا بيسوع ومن خلال تقاسم النعمة بهذه الطريقة سيؤدي إلى الخلاص.” “بدون تحقيق، اعتقدت أن الجنة كانت في مكان ما يذهب إليه المرء بعد الموت. ظننت أن هناك قيامة بعد الموت.”

القس كيم يقوم حالياً بتعليم كنيسة شينشيونجي الكلمة المكشوفة لجماعته وقال: “لقد حان الوقت لجميع القساوسة ليأتوا ويتعلموا حتى يعيشوا حياة الإيمان بالحقيقة الصحيحة .”

وحتى الآن، وقع 2155 قسيسًا و22 مدرسة لاهوتية و 958 كنيسة في 67 بلدًا مذكرات تفاهم مع كنيسة شينشيونجي. وفي مقابل تعاونهم، تزود شينشيونجي الكنائس والمدارس الدينية بمواد لاهوتية وبإمكانية الوصول إلى معلمي الكتاب المقدس. في الولايات المتحدة، تمت دعوة مدرب شينشيونجي لتعليم 100 عضو من الكنيسة المبكرة في العصر الجديد. تقدم مدرسة لاهوتية في باكستان منهجًا دراسيًا لدورة شينشيونجي بعد توقيع عميدها على مذكرة تفاهم مع الكنيسة.

كما تحدث رئيس كنيسة شينشيونجي لي مان هي خلال المؤتمر الصحفي، موضحًا كيف جاء ليشارك كلمة ودور القساوسة اليوم.

قال الرئيس لي: “دعونا نحارب الشيطان ونتغلب عليه بدماء يسوع وكلمة الشهادة ونخلق شعب مملكة الله حتى يأتي الله أخيرًا ويسود على العالم بعد 6000 عام.” “هذا ما أخبرنا به [الله] من خلال الكتاب المقدس. آمل أن ينقش الجميع كلمات كل فصول الوحي -وهي شريعة السماء- في قلوبهم.”

علّمت كنيسة شينشيونجي سفر الرؤيا وأسرار مملكة السماء من خلال الندوات عبر الإنترنت منذ أكتوبر 2021. تحتوي المحاضرات على الملايين من مشاهدات YouTube وهي متاحة بـ 24 لغة مختلفة. تبث الكنيسة أيضًا محتوى من دورتها المتوسطة حتى 27 يونيو. والدروس المستفادة والمؤتمر الصحفي الذي عقد في الثاني من أبريل متاحين على قناة اليوتيوب الرسمية الخاصة بكنيسة شينشيونجي.

للتواصل الإعلامي: [email protected] 

الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1779470/Shincheonji_Church_Chairman_Lee.jpg